Anyway, last night, as we were going through names I started to think about all of this and about how the baby will hear his or her name several times before they are even born. When that child comes out kicking and screaming and they lay him or her on my chest I will look into their eyes and say, "Hi. 'so and so'." I'll already love that child and I'll feel like I already know them. They will know me too. You see, they'll be trained to hearing my voice. When I say their name and I talk to them they'll know who I am.
I started thinking about a worship song that says, "He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and hears me when I call."
Aren't we just like a newborn baby. We come kicking and screaming to God and he lays us on his chest and says, "Hi 'so and so'" He already knew us before we came to Him. He saw our first tear and he'll see our last. HE loves us before we even KNOW him. If we train ourselves, we too, can hear and recognize His voice from others "in a crowd." He also knew the names we were going to pick out before we picked them, because, HE'S GOD!
Anyway, all of that to say, we picked out our baby names. It was a neat process for us, because if you haven't already noticed we use vowel names. It's our "gimmick." Maybe someday it'll get us our own TLC show, but for now it's our quiet way of having names with something in common without it blaring at everyone who hears them. SO, it makes picking out a name not hard, but a little more complicated. Before we decided to do this for sure we picked out several names that we liked so that we'd know if there were enough to actually go through with this. It's been neat though, because with each child most of the names change. Our boy name has stayed the same for the last two though, and last night we settled down on it again. Our girl name, obviously, has changed each time, but this is a totally new name for me. I've never even thought about it until recently, but now it's my favorite! SO without further ado!!!!