Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Disapointments Disapoint, Disapointingly

Have you ever had someone in your life with so much potential. So much talent or smarts, or personality, or faith. You can fill in the blank. It's that person that you think of and go, DUDE. That person has it goin' on! Yeah, and then they do nothing or anything with their life and it's such a disappointment. They loose faith, quit school, booze it up, or just go nuts.
I keep facing this with a few people in my life right now. I'm not going to go into detail, but seriously.
People are human, so they aren't perfect and they are going to disappoint us, but at some point it gets to be too much and you eventually loose faith in that person all together. The potential you've seen in them for so long starts to fade and they begin to blend in with all the other people. Their stardom dulls. I guess that's why we don't put our faith in others. We place our faith in God alone. People will let you down MOST of the time. God sometimes has other plans, but He will never disappoint. There's always that great stardom. Ha! God has got it goin' ON.=)
Have a great day.

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