Friday, July 31, 2009

Tuesday on Friday

So tonight we went to a fundraiser for our local MOPS group. I hadn't had the girls picture made professionally since Emma Claire turned a year old. SO, I wasn't sure how they were going to do. They were actually really good and took what is sure to be some great pictures. It's those scam pictures though, the old-fashioned ones that advertise $10!!!! for a free 10X13, then you get there to look at the pictures and they hit you with the $300 package. Ehh, it's a "free" picture...

Afterwards we went to Ruby Tuesday. Do you have one of those? We'd never been. The only reason we went this time was because they sent us a coupon for buy one entree get one free. It was so tasty! Olivia LOVED the kids menu too and even asked me if she could ask the waiter for a refill on her food! HA! I told her that was only for drinks and she wasn't very happy about that. Anyway, shout out for Ruby Tuesday.

Emma Claire has recently put a new knot on her head. We're talking BIG knot. She fell off the bench in the kitchen and hit the tile floor. She's not the most graceful of children. I thought about taking her to the doctor. I probably would have a few years ago, but in recent years I've learned to weed out the trips to the doctor's office. I'll take her in if it doesn't get better, but it's not bothering her any more. It's just BIG. I mean like it feels like there's a golf ball back there.=)

I'm starting to think that Addison may be our most difficult child. If you'd told me that 6 months ago I would have fought that she was the best, sweetest baby, but in the last few months she has made a turn for the worse and is getting HARD to manage. She's so stubborn and ornery! She's starting to walk though and OH so cute!! I recently had to give her mop head a trim. I'll post a picture soon. She's turning into a red head. My dream come true!

What cleaner do you use to clean your floor?

Watch "Forever Strong." It's good and available to watch instantly on Netflix.


  1. we have a ruby tuesday's and we like it. kinda pricey and the menu is a little weird, but i like their salad bar.
    don't worry about that knot...TRUST ME...jack is the king of all knotheads :) if she bounced back after crying for a few minutes, has shown no lethargy, pupils react to light, no prolonged vomiting..then she's fine. sounds like she's fine by now and there's nothing they can do for it now. he nailed his head on our tile 2 weeks after we moved in and i cried more than he did. of course HIS was on the center of his forehead!

    Mr Clean in the kitchen and baths.

  2. Oh I love to talk floors. Armstrong is my fave. Smells amazing and doesn't leave any sticky residue. Pine Sol is my more affordable standy by. I keep both on hand and kind of rotate. What are you using???

    I can't believe I left my GROCERY MONEY at home. I was so focused on my list that I grabbed it and headed out the door. Today I spent $280, and that included a box of diapers. We weren't out of any toiletries but I'll have to factor that in as well. I can't wait to talk recipes and groceries when we can.
