Monday, October 24, 2011

Sanctifier Littles

Those of you who follow me from facebook may have seen the link I recently posted on my page of an article a mother of 8 children wrote. When I started reading the article my eyes filled with tears as I felt someone had put to words how I'd felt for a while now, so this post is my response to that article. I'd encourage you to take a few minutes to read it when you get the chance.

Just about daily I hear things like, "Wow! I couldn't do what you do!" "Woah! You are wonder woman!" "It's Leslie, Super MOM!" I think people really think I was born with some strange extra mothering gene or something that would allow me to raise these kids and not lose my mind. In reality, I am a normal human female just like anyone else. I still struggle daily with so many things. As far as being extra-motherly, I'm lacking in so many ways:

I 'm not a good cook.
I waste food.
I yell a lot.
I cuss when I'm really mad.
I am too blunt.
I am too emotional.
I wear my heart on my sleeve and am easily upset.
I have no patience.
I have no mercy.
I hate being outside. Especially public parks.
I don’t do a good job making things fun.
I am sarcastic.
I like to spend lots of money on things.
I like the quiet.
I hate to be interrupted or inconvenienced.
I am not very good with children.
I am a germaphobe.

But here's the AMAZING thing about this list. I didn't know most of the things on this list were things I struggled with until I started having kids. My kids have brought out so much in me that the Lord needed me to see. Each day they bring things out in me that need to be changed. Now that doesn't mean that having the kids makes me a holy person. Not hardly! It also doesn't mean having kids has turned me into a monster! The Littles just help God mold me and shape me into the woman he's waiting for me to be. So thanks, tiny sanctifiers, for helping momma be a better person.


  1. Well said Leslie - I have found the children God blessed me with came to make me into who God designed me to be, not just to help them become who God designed them to be! And if I can do it in HIS power - anyone can!!
