Sunday, September 30, 2012

Home Brewed Smittle. Week 18. 22 to go.

It seems like this has been a loooong week after many weeks seeming to fly by. We've been really busy getting ready for Lulu's 8th birthday party, and Scotty has been busy with work, so I guess that's it, but I'm hoping this next week doesn't lurch on and on like the past week has.
Elias has really started to make himself known by moving around more and getting a LOT bigger. It's so exciting to be in this stage. I'm not so giant I feel terrible, but I still get the perks of feeling him kick around.
As we begin to get ready for his arrival (still months away, but I'm a planner.), we've been going through lots of clothes and baby stuff that I've hoarded kept until we were finished having babies. It was so strange to get rid of all the girl clothes, bibs, blankets, and baby toys. I did keep several things that I thought the girls would like to have some day as mothers, but most of it will sell at Rhea Lana's or be given away.
Several of you have asked about this being our last baby. I had thought about writing a blog about all the reasons and sharing all of that with you, but I've decided that it's not necessary. There are a few of you who have sent me private messages with questions, and I'm so happy to answer any questions you might have. Know that coming to this decision was made after months and months of prayer. We did not just decide this was going to be our last baby because the Suburban is full now. We have really thought about, prayed about, and cried about this decision. Now that it's made, we have had such a complete peace about it. If you want to know anything else, feel free to email or private message me.
We put the baby bed back up in Brother's room so he could get used to the idea of having a brother sleep in his room(although it will likely be a while before he actually DOES sleep up there). Isaiah just LOVES the thought of having a brother and "po-tek-tee-ing"(protecting) him. I love to hear him talk about Baby Eli. He gets so excited. He's likes to put his hand on my belly and "feel the baby."
We're trying to decide if we want to take a birthing class. I know it's crazy, but we've never been to one, and I'd kind of like to get to go. Did you ever go? I find most people did. It's so strange to me that we've never even thought about going. Decisions decisions.
Speaking of decisions, I had to get rid of our infant carrier after Mia was finished with it as the expiration date was coming up on it and would have expired before Eli was born. Be sure to always check your kids seats for dates. They are generally good for five years. ANYWAY, because it's been a while since I bought a new one I've been looking at different brands and models. There are so many to chose from! I have several I need to go and actually see and try out. I'm really picky about the way they latch and the way the handle is, so these are things I need to go in and check out before I just pick one.
We'll have to move everyone around in the Suburban to make us all be able to fit. I'm planning to put the three middle kids in the back in their 5-point harness seats, and have Lulu and KK in the front with their boosters on both sides of the baby seat. This isn't ideal, as we'll have to help the two younger middles with their seats, but because of buckle space, it's easier this way. I think it'll keep the big kids from feeling like a couple of sardines.
I'm also in need of a good diaper bag. Really the diaperbag and the infant seat are the only two things we need. I've had a billion and one different kinds, and my favorite as far as durability and look is SkipHop. We have this adorable bag for Brubbs, and it's been so amazingly durable for him. He has dragged it around and it still looks new. I also know other moms I love and trust who have had the big giant diaper bags and they love them. I'm probably going to get this one. This is the "Duo" diaper bag from SkipHop. It has so many cool pockets and I love the padded strap and side pockets.

I love that it's simple and sleek, but doesn't look too girly. Manly likes to help carry bags while we're out, but he's not fond of looking like he's carrying a purse. Ha! I love the teal. If I could, I'd paint every room in my house teal!
I also LOVE that it can clip onto the back of the stroller. Look at how easy that is and everything is at your fingertips. Look how calm and peaceful this mother is. There probably isn't even a baby in that stroller! Ha! I'm just thinking how easy this will be for trips and outings. LOVE it.
When I checked out babycenter this week I had to laugh. It says that my appetite should be picking up(which it is), and that Eli was approximately the size of a bell pepper. This, in turn, made me crave bell peppers(which I like to eat in frozen bites BTW. Wow. Nothing like comparing your baby to a food, then wanting to eat it. Well, anyway, here's a visual. In yellow. My favorite. Now don't you go wanting to eat it too! HA!


  1. I didn't take a birthing class with either pregnancy. I read some books, and I think I would have enjoyed a class but I feel SO TERRIBLE for pretty much my entire pregnancies that I'm really not myself. So, I never took one. =) I'm a giant diaper bag person, but part of that is because we cloth diaper (off and on) and because we have to carry epi pens and benadryl for the kids for any peanut related emergency that might arise. We're difficult!

  2. I am a giant diaper bag girl too but mostly because we attend sporting events, hubby is a coach, so I have to take everything in with me, food, drink, toys, clothes and we cloth diaper. I love when I am able to just grab a diaper and go but that doesn't happen very often.

    We did go to a birthing class, we chose Bradley Method classes and they were awesome. They gear towards home/natural birthing. However I don't know if they could teach you anything that you don't already know at this point. If you feel like you need to take one go for it. It will be fun if nothin else and you will probably be a blessing to someone else with the knowledge that you could share.

  3. I love Teal, too. It's always been my favorite :)

    We went to Bradley classes way back when I was expecting our first. It was good, but honestly just go read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and then read the Bradley book and you should be good to go. Both are available through the library. It'll save you a ton of time doing classes. I think you will love the Ina May book, it will make you so ready and excited about birthing, but there are a couple of "out there" things in it. Our bodies are so incredibly, fearfully, and wonderfully made!
