Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home Brewed Smittle: Week 31. 9 to go.

Well, it's been a rough week. Not with the pregnancy, but with life. As I prepare to bring new life into the world, I'll sadly watch a friend be laid to rest tomorrow. Life is short and you NEVER know what lies ahead. Press on, love others, and live your life to the fullest.

So, it's here, the single digit weeks. I'm happy to say that we are getting close to the end. I still don't feel fully prepared as we don't have EVERYTHING together like we usually would, but we'll make it and he'll have what he long as I go get at least one pack of diapers. Hey, if the king of the world was wrapped in swaddling clothes Eli can go diaperless too, I guess. Ha! Too bad we don't have a donkey to carry him around on. That'd be cheaper than a stinkin carseat!
So says the baby is about to undergo a big growth spurt. Uhh, I think I might pop. Have I mentioned I'm wearing satin in a wedding in about 6 weeks? Satin and growth spurt do not go well together. I think I might need an expandable zipper. Ha!
Babycenter is also saying he measures at about 16 inches and weighs about as much as four navel oranges. That's about 3.3 pounds for anyone who has a little trouble holding four navel oranges at the same time. Ha!

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