Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Little Smittles are...Different

Things the kids can NOT do that "normal" kids probably have mastered:
  • Log on to a computer. They rarely ever use the computer. In fact, I think Olivia is the only one of them that has ever used one. I should probably get on that with the other two big girls...Ehh, I'm good for now.
  • Use a remote. Once again, with the exception of Olivia who knows how to turn the TV on and up(or down). None of my kids know what to do with a remote. They just don't watch TV. Today Isaiah was using it as a telephone to call KK who was his army friend. They were using my fake oranges to be bombs. True story.
  • Play a video game. We've never had any sort of video console, so they just don't know how to play them. I'm OK with that. It makes my life a LOT more simple!
  • Text. Actually none of us text too often, because we still pay per text. That's right. We're the last known American family to be without a texting plan. Not to mention smart phones...
  • Go anywhere alone. It's true. Call me overprotective, but we live in a dark world. I rarely EVER let any of my kids do ANYTHING alone.
  • Eat food without permission. Is that normal? I have no idea.
  • Sing off key. Every single Smittle in our house can carry a tune. I'm thinking there may be a future in that.
  • Go to public bathrooms on their own. I mean. NO kid should be doing that.
  • Place a phone call. This is one that I should probably teach them so they could call for help if the need ever arises. Well, at least they already know what number to call. If only they could work the phone.
  • Save money. I'm telling you! This is the hardest lesson to teach these money spending darlings. As soon as they have a quarter they want to spend it on a gumball. I was SO proud when Olivia actually saved up $13 this summer for the first time!!  

Things they CAN do that "normal" kids may not know how to do:
  • Look up verses in the Bible.
  • Carry on a conversation with adults.
  • Use a broad vocabulary that you wouldn't normally hear from a child including words like: desperately, unfortunately, dreary, savagely, longingly. The list goes on. I have no idea...
  • Quote entire chapters from the Old Testament
  • Memorize and recite poems and short stories.
  • Talk therapy with their dad.
  • Sing in harmony without knowing it(KK).
  • Get themselves dressed and ready to go(even Mia).
  • Read entire chapter books in one sitting.
  • Smile for the camera as a group.
  • Go out in public without making bad choices.
  • Help grocery shop. Even down to knowing which brand gets them the best deal(from Addi up.)
  • Make their own beds(everyone minus Eli does this)
  • Clean the entire house on their own. It's true. AND, you wouldn't know the difference if I did it or they did.
  • Come up with creative ideas.
  • Play with only one toy each for an afternoon.
  • Go without fast food.
  • Make their own healthy meals. Mostly just Olivia, but I could never step foot back into the kitchen and that girl could keep us fed.


  1. I'm gonna need your next post to be a "how to" for all this stuff.

  2. Love it! I've got some similarities in both categories. My kids are pretty technologically savvy though. They can use the playstation 3 to get netflix or amazon video and I fumble my way through that. So if a little one wants to watch some yo gabba gabba or classic speedracer, I go get one of the older boys to just do it for him. The only thing is they don't know any passwords, so they set it up and I make them leave the room while I enter the password. It's a team effort.
