Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something I forgot...

My darling husband had these words after reading my last blog:

It may be helpful for your readers to know that the alarm clock was originally implemented because the kids were getting up so early and we'd wake up to see tiny faces staring at us; faces which would begin asking about breakfast the moment our eyes opened. Once we started the alarm clock and told them they couldn't open the door until it beeped, their little bodies started getting used to that wake-up time (for the most part). I recommend the alarm clock strategy for parents I work with, especially the ones who struggle with their kids getting up early and getting into stuff they shouldn't be getting into (like the pantry!).
That is something that I did not communicate to you and it brings up a really good point. Please know that I'm not trying to paint a perfect picture of our family. We are anything but perfect! I just want to share my ideas on how I've made it through the past few years in hopes to help someone else along their way. My kids have nights where they want to get out of bed and nights when they, for whatever reason wake up crying or wake up too early and think it's morning. They are not perfect little machines that do whatever we say whenever we say it.=) They are normal "childish" children who have been trained to do what we think is best for them and best for our family.
All my ideas won't work for you. You'll have to adapt some things to fit your life. I hope the things I share here are helpful to you, and judging by your recent comments both here and on facebook I'd say they are, so I'm going to keep writing. HOWEVER, I want you to know and understand that we are just normal people and I am fully aware of that. AND, I want you to feel comfortable asking me any questions! I'm almost certain to answer anything.
You've been such a recent encouragement to me. Thanks for reading and sharing with me!

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