Friday, October 14, 2011

Four legs of LOVE

During a recent outing to the park we put our two middle littles in a baby swing together.

While they were swinging and laughing and having the time of their life
I just smiled and laughed with them.

What a blessing to have all these babies growing up together loving each other.
At that moment there was no where else those two would rather be than right there with each other.
It's tough you know, raising five kids, but the benefits SO outweigh the hardships.

Strangers in Wal Mart walk up to us and say things like:
"Are these ALLLLL yours?!"
"OH MY! Do YOU ever have YOUR hands full!!"

So, crabby lady at Wal Mart, this post is for you!
Have my hands full? You bet I do!! Full of LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. I get the handsful comment with only three. I just answer...yep, I do!
