Thursday, November 3, 2011

Diligence is Key

Lately I've felt really suffocated by the clutter in our home. Yes, I keep a tidy home, but in the last several months clutter has been creeping into my home. Several of my friends have been talking lately about finding your energy drainers and getting them out of your life. I'd say clutter is for sure an energy drainer for me.
This week I've taken our home and broken it into sections to de-clutter. I've finished all areas except the girls room and the playroom. As I've worked I've realized one thing. Diligence is key in keeping a tidy organized home. It's pretty simple for me to organize things. I actually really love to take a messy room or space and get in in tip top shape, but taking the extra step to put things away when things are wild around here isn't always easy.
It seems easier to just stash things in a drawer or make a neat stack to go through later, but I'm telling you, if you take a few extra moments to go ahead and finish a job your home will thank you and you'll end up having more time for the things you love, like your kids, or eating, or water polo...

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely... I also love to organize but have a hard time putting things away immediately, then the clutter piles up. Taking the extra time to put stuff away, right away, pays off.
