Wednesday, May 16, 2012


There is so much cattiness with women these days, isn't there? It seems like I'm always feeling the need to defend my beliefs, thoughts, or way of doing things to some woman somewhere. We can be looked down on for not buying organic, not making our own homemade foods, not spanking or spanking, wearing the wrong clothes, reading the wrong books...The list goes on and on and on...

There's so much talk about what's the best way to feed your family, what the best education plan is, how to raise sons, how to raise daughters. I've had conversations recently about discipline with friends and what the "right" way to do things is.

It's SO hard to sift through everything and decide what's best for YOU and YOUR family while you have your friends and family bringing you their thoughts and beliefs on each and every subject.

I was recently trying to make our grocery list and found myself trying to remember what the "dirty dozen" was(for produce) so that I could star those things on my list to get organic. I'd started buying organic whole milk last month because so and so said it was the right thing to do. After we'd been through 463 half gallons of milk and HUNDREDS of dollars later I was sitting there thinking how crazy it was that I was doing things simply because someone else had mentioned that's what they did for their family. I'd even been on a milk fast because I HATE WHOLE MILK and I just wanted to pour a big old glass of skim milk and gulp it down!

This came after I'd stopped buying lunch meat, turned all our white flour to wheat, and been sure NOT to buy ANYTHING but organic peanut butter! Ha! I'm laughing now, but there were months when I'd be so so stressed out because I was worried one of the kids MIGHT want some of my processed soup, so I'd keep it on a shelf out of their sight. So silly to let those things worry you.

My encouragement to you is to seek the council of wiser women who know what they're talking about; ask for ideas for things like healthy eating, wise money management, and parenting,  but ALWAYS ALWAYS do what you feel like is best for your family. That will most likely look different from everyone else. Guess what? THAT'S OK! YAY!! God made each one of us differently and wonderfully! What a bore this world would be if we were all the same.
I feel like what I've been learning in my study of James is helping me to find focus on things in my home. It's so simple! Read this passage in James taken from The Message "If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open. "

I LOVE the way the message says "if any of you don't know what you're doing." Uh, yeah. That sounds about right! Ha!! There is so so much wisdom I need, and if I go looking in the wrong places I'm likely to end up finding something that isn't the best. If I go to the Lord and ask HIM for wisdom on feeding my family or parenting my littles, I'll get it! James says I'll get it GLADLY and without condensation! Take that little nugget of BIBLICAL wisdom and hide it away in your heart. Only YOU and the Lord no what's best for your family. Go in peace and do THAT!


  1. This totally just rocked my face off! AMEN!!

  2. (((Hugs Leslie)))
    I know where you are coming from. It's good to see you are learning to focus on what God thinks and not what (wo)men think. That's a lesson I have to keep learning myself. All those things you listed are personal convictions, not to be pushed onto others.

  3. Amen;)... I went through a period when I started parenting of stressing myself out trying to do things that I 'saw' other moms doing...making my own bread, tossing out white flour, no more Diet Cokes, etc. Yep, that last a few miserable-not-secure-in-my-identity years. Although, all was not for me and I was tired of feeling guilty if I fed my kids hot dogs, occasionally. Ha! I remember the Lord giving me this verse :(paraphrasing Matt 15:11 here) "It is not what goes in you that defiles you, but what comes out." Wow. Freedom. God has reminded me about this verse again as I struggled with nursing the baby.

    So, having come full circle...I do find myself reaching for and buying more organic. This time I am doing it for the right reasons. And I have not given up my Diet Coke or McD's sweet tea. And my kids still love white pasta vs whole wheat and non-organic peanut butter. And I am totally okay with that ('cause you know, I sneak a candy bar on my way home from errands now and again). No judgment from me. And I feel no judgment 'cause my identity is in Christ not in what people think!

    Great post, Leslie!
