Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Party Like a Skate Star!

The kids recently were invited to a skate party at the rink I used to go to growing up. The rink hadn't changed too much, other than the music they were playing and the giant inflatable jumpy they had in the corner. Here are a few pictures of the kids.
Bubby, the Roller Derby Dude. His skates were locked, so he just stomped around for a while.

Lulu used one of these cool walker things to help her skate around for a while.

Isn't it cool? I thought they were a great idea.

KK did much better after Manly fixed her skates. I guess it didn't feel very good trying to skate around with them on the wrong feet after I put them on backwards. Woops.

Manly riding Mia around. She thought this was hysterical.

Bubby jumping in the giant inflatable.


Mia. She's wearing Isaiah's socks because she was supposed to have socks on and he had an extra pair in the car.

They also had these cute baby seats on wheels to push around. Ha! They don't look like they are having fun, but they were.

Mia pushing around the skate walker.

The only pic I got of Addi all day. She didn't want to skate, but stayed in the jumpy the entire time we were there.

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