Sunday, January 6, 2013

To Be Human Again!

We have a newer version of Beauty and the Beast(newer than the one I first watched as a kid) that includes a song that always makes me sigh...
There are days when raising these sweet lovely littles is so exhausting and I think to myself what I'd give to have a day to myself and feel human again. Please don't think that I don't feel blessed and please know that some day I KNOW I'll wish they were all little again. Seriously though, it's OK to say it's tough and it's OK to be open about it with your husband. I've learned that when I get to the "these kids are driving me crazy" point I need a break. Some days I don't realize I need a break until I'm running around town on my free Wednesday mornings(Manly got a sitter for me several months ago) and I say to myself, "WHOA! This is the first time I've been able to think to myself for a moment. Being in the car alone is usually enough to get my batteries recharged, but sometimes I might need a few hours to get me back on track. And then, there are those amazing days like I had yesterday when I leave the house in the morning and Manly says stay gone as long as you want.
Ahhhhhh, feeeeeels gooooooood. I spent the day celebrating with my BFF at her bridal shower, hanging out chatting with her about her upcoming marriage and our men, lunch, a tiny shopping trip, and a nice quiet drive home. When I got home Manly was working on dinner and the kids were quietly watching a move. Ahhhhhh, feeeeeels gooooooood. I walked into the living room and all the kids came running. See, that's another perk of being gone all day. The kids run up to you like they do daddy after he's been at work all day. My sweet Mia Jane kept saying, "MOOOOOMMMAAAA" and laying her head on my shoulder. Love it!
I am always so refreshed when I get home. Suddenly, the little tiffs between the kids don't bother me as much, fussy babies get tender care instead of tough love, and the Manly Man gets my full attention as I'm more determined to connect with him. Everyone wins.
Once the kids were fed, bathed, and in bed I looked at Manly and thanked him for giving me a day to feel human again. Yes, my job here is VERY important and because of that I need to take a moment to regain consciousness with the outside world from time to time. Take a moment, figure out a time to have your refresher, and FOLLOW through. It'll be great for you, your kids, and your man. Trust me!

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