Thursday, July 11, 2013

Step Away from the Facebook

There are things that I love about social media. I love that I can get in touch with just about anyone within seconds. I love that I can reconnect with childhood best friends and reminisce about days gone past and share pictures of our current life. I love that I can see what others are doing(most of the time). I like hearing about things going on and events I can take my family to. There are a lot of GOOD things about social media.
The problem is there are a lot of things I HATE about social media. I hate that so and so shares every single thing that goes into their mouth. I hate it that some people share song lyrics ALL DAY(I mean, I love the song as much as you do, but it annoys me when all you post is the lyrics. Share a link to the real deal, yo.). I hate it when I'm not asking for advice and get an abundance of it for no apparent reason. I hate seeing events that I should have been(in my mind anyway) invited to pass by and pictures be posted of friends having a great time. Obviously, there are a lot of negatives that come with social media. And here I am currently typing away so that I can share MY thoughts just like the next person. Why? So you can know how I feel in comparison to Every. Single. Other. Person.
Recently I've been stepping away from social media as much as possible. Aside from checking messages and seeing an occasional update from close friends I been off of facebook. I haven't missed it much other than feeling a little pseudo loneliness. I've had more time to play with my kids, paint my toe nails, create parties, and plan my own get-togethers. No, I'm not mad at anyone, so that's why I've gone and left facebook. I just started to feel as if I needed to prove myself to my 807 friends. And "friends" let me tell you, you can "like" it or not, but the ONLY person I have to stand before is Jesus Christ. He is the one I will try to prove worthy to.
And guess what? He doesn't care if I am breast feeding or not. He doesn't care what I have for dinner(as long as I'm not gorging myself, I guess). He doesn't care if I'm invited or not invited to the wedding of the century or the summer fiesta of the year. He just wants my time and energy going into bringing glory to Him.
Right now He sees fit to bless me with a life of being a momma and wife. I can so quickly wish those things away after a long stay on facebook. I can dream of a life where I'm responsible for no one and I spend my days with my toes in the sand and a smoothie in my hand. The problem is I love my current life, but when I start to compare MY life with 807 other people, chances are it's not going to stack up. I'm always going to wish I could live in a bigger house, wear nicer clothes, buy more expensive shoes, and go on more vacations. DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF. Don't compare yourself with your friends. Don't wish for the grass on the other side of the fence. It seems greener because it's the grass in the front yard. Go into the back and you'll see the dried up weedy side of the yard. The part no one else sees. We so often compare our yucky tired insides with the dressed up fancy outsides of others. When, if we stop and actually spend REAL time with others we'd see they are struggling with some of the same issues we are.
I'm not saying I won't be back on facebook and that you shouldn't either. I love keeping up with some friends I wouldn't otherwise see. I'm also not saying close down your pinterest account today and never wish for anything again. I'm also not saying social media is bad. I'm just saying be careful of the trap you can so easily fall prey to. It's not pretty and not of the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "So encourage each other and build each other up."

1 Samuel 16:7 "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart"

This is your life. Soak it up to the last drop.