Sunday, September 22, 2013

Meet-a-Little, Stand-a-Little, WAIT WAIT WAIT! Stand a LOT, Meet a Little More

Thursday we headed back to Magic Kingdom to finish up our time there. We had never been there for the opening ceremony before they drop the rope, and we almost didn't make it this time, but we rounded the corner just in time to watch it! It's really cool! The train pulls up with a TON of characters riding it! They all stand and wave, then there are fireworks. The kids really thought it was cool that the characters rode in on the train.
This is the ceremony just at the end. You can tell it was VERY bright. My camera wasn't quite awake yet, and a little foggy.
The theme song of Magic Kingdom should be sung to the tune of Pick-a-Little Talk-a-Little from Music Man. It goes a little like this. Meet-a-Little, Stand-a-Little, Meet-a-Little, Stand-a-Little, WAIT WAIT WAIT! Stand a LOT, Meet a Little More. It's just EXHAUSTING! Even in a smaller crowd we waited in SO many lines! It helps to meet characters via character meals, but there are some that are only available if you stand in line. These are usually the most popular characters, so they aren't really ones your kids are going to want to skip out on. They were FOR SURE our kids must see characters, SO we waited.
Mia getting a little comfy while we waited.
The big girls trying to charm the birds while we waited. No, seriously, that's what they are doing!
Brubbs sleeping while we waited. Have you EVER seen such an adorable little pirate!?
My Mia is a sleepy Merida while we waited to see fairies.
Even sweet Little Brother took a much needed rest while we waited in line.
Daddy got a little loopy while we waited. Either that or he was REALLY excited about seeing the fairies! HA!
Little Brother also got his first taste of my fruit only bar. He liked it.

The lines really were worth it though! We had lots of fun getting to meet some of the new characters. The area where they have Merida(from Brave) was really nice. They had a place to color pictures and even shoot a bow and arrow. Merida was really silly, so the kids loved getting to meet her. Other characters on the line-up where Woody and Jessie, Captain. Jack, Tiana, Rapunzel, and the fairies! Because we had so many to see that's just about all we did all day.
Merida was SO pretty. Obviously that's not her real hair, but still. She was so cute!

Mia NOT wanting her picture made in her pretty Merida dress.

Livi was a pro with the bow.

Little Lefty, KK trying the bow.

Future huntress, Addi with the bow.

My pirate boy even got a shot into the target.

Mia loved meeting Woody and Jessie.

Smittles meet the cowboys!
Addi was a little nervous about getting chosen for the pirate show. Ha! I think she thought they were going to capture her or something.

She did finally crack a TINY grin at the end.

Even after the other kids joined her on the stage for their pirate pledge Addi was still a little unsure.
The big girls with Vidia(one of the fairies).

The kids exploring with the fairies. The fairies are always really nice and have an answer for all the questions that might come up. They also just stopped and played with the kids.  So much fun for the kids.

Vidia gave Isaiah a prop for the picture. Mia looks a little unsure, but she cried when we left because she wanted to stay with Tinker Bell.

The kids with princess Tiana.
In order to see Rapunzel we had to wait in the "princess" line. Cinderella was also there, so we decided to see her too. Look at my sweet Mia trying to hold her hands like a princess.
We probably could have JUST come to see Rapunzel and the kids would have been OK with going home after that. They LOVE her!
 After we saw all of the characters we ate at a new place, Liberty Tree Tavern. I wasn't crazy about it, myself, but Olivia said they had the best chicken noodle soup she had ever tasted in her entire life. We were blessed with an amazing waitress, and had several people stop by our table to brag on the kids table manners and behavior. That's always a really nice thing to get! We were able to watch the afternoon parade from the window while we ate, so that was cool.
These two are probably coming up with a plan to cause some damage. Ha!

My sweet bookend girls.

KK getting a double shot. Ha! Apple juice and water.

Little Brother sitting like a BIG boy in the highchair.

After lunch we changed clothes and headed out to the Disney boats for a ride over to the Wilderness Lodge for Mickey's Backyard BBQ. Just wait 'til you see the moves these kids have. They DEFFINATLY got their daddy's dance gene. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. I think that Tinkerbell looks like Melissa Joan Hart in that picture. And Eli at the end looks like a boss.
