Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately about brokenness. Who what when where why? Mostly brokenness in family relationships. Why do families suffer so much with brokenness. Some of it is voluntary, I'm sure. You, from time to time, make sacrifices and move on in some areas of life, but overall there seems to be something wrong with many family ties.
As I've recently blogged about my grandfather had bypass surgery. Sitting in the waiting room with my extended family I saw several broken relationships. People who, for one reason or another, had "broken" their relationship with some of the others. Although we all shared a common bond(my grandfather) there was a distinct separation between him and the love/care for him and everyone else's individual relationships with each other.
One evening Scotty and I brought the girls with us to the hospital. They weren't able to actually go into the room and see "paa-paa," but simply being close to him meant something to them and to him. I ran back up to grandpa's room to let him know we were leaving and Scotty started out with the girls. As he was leaving my grandmother(my grandpa's ex wife and my father's mom) and her husband were coming into the hospital for a visit. When Scotty saw her he smiled and gave a nice hello knowing it was my grandmother. To his astonishment she had NO idea who he was. You see we've only seen her a handful of times over the past several years. She even went so far as to tell my husband what pretty girls he had. Not knowing that she was missing out on some of the most amazing children God has ever created. AND THEY ARE PART OF HER! Obviously, this relationship is "broken".
The problem is that we go on "breaking things" here and there and not stopping to try to fix them along the way. We move forward without a glance back. We break father-daughter bonds, mother-father bonds, husband-wife bonds, best friend bonds, sibling bonds, children-parent bonds and then just keep on moving as if nothing has happened. Then, one day, when we look around, there's no one there. No one to cling to. No one to share with.
By this time you've forgotten who broke it. What happened to break it is a question no one seems to know the answer to. When it happened is so vague that you can't remember the details. Where were you in your life when it broke, and why was it broken in the first place?
Just thoughts. No implication. Just thoughts...


  1. i like this post. sadly, it's EVERYWHERE. God has been gracious to heal some brokenness on my side of the family, while j's still has some going on b/t uncles that has lasted for over 30 years...and they live in the same town!! we're both quite protective of our relationships with our siblings b/c we want to break the cycle and not pass this junk to our own children. I DO believe satan can use it to pass down to generations, and we HAVE to allow God to break us free from it. just my thoughts :)

  2. That is so true. This hits home for me specifically, because I'm currently trying to deal with my parent's semi-recent divorce and the new woman in my dad's life. I'm not quite so willing to move on from brokenness. The Bible is clearly about reconciliation and even devotes an entire book about it (Hosea). It is sad to me that we as believers don't exemplify Godly relationships with reconciliation. Thank you for sharing.
