Thursday, May 21, 2009

BooHoo! Blah!

I think my blogging mind is broken.

ANYWAY, I've decided that today, we'll have a moment of silence for Kris Allen, winner of American Idol and resident of our own hometown, Conway, AR.

HA! Yeah, I'm glad that he won, but we never even watched one show. Sorry to all you die hard KA fans!=)

ANYWAY, now that the seasons of all our shows have come to an end and summer broadcasting will soon begin I'm not sure what we'll do with our evenings. Although it it tempting to watch Wipeout. Scotty thinks it's so hilarious. Probably just have to sit and talk or something. Gah. I must say I'm so thankful for internet broadcasting of all my favorite shows. I'll have to go back and watch my favorite episodes. I think I could watch the epi of LOST where Charlie dies 100 times and still cry. *Snif. Snif*

Does anyone watch LOST? I'm starting to think that things are going to take a spiritual route in 2010. Dude, we are getting close to 2010. That's crazy.

I'm not sure who all actually reads this, because I always get a good response from people on Facebook.

So, like I said, I have lots of thoughts but not really in the mood to get them out. Maybe I should load pictures. But then, if you are reading from facebook you've already seen my pictures anyway.

Some time soon I'll post a real live update with a point. Until then, let the silence continue...


  1. I just have to tell you I was reading your blog this morning and Connor climbed up and asked me who the "gir-uls" in your header were. I pointed each of their names out and he said, "Tonner need to play with Emma! Go Buh-byes!" How sweet is that?

  2. I read you, friend...always. How do you know Berkli Binns? (I saw you subscribe to her.)

  3. CHARLIE DIED?????

    haha Just kiddin' I've never even seen the show. I just found out about where you can watch TV Shows-have you heard of it? The commercial breaks were only 15 seconds.
