Friday, January 14, 2011

Feed that family right!

Over the last few years I've worked really hard to create a healthy meal plan for our family. After Scotty and I got married and I could cook all of oh....TWO meals, we ate mostly already prepared meals in the frozen food section. Yes, we were out of shape and overweight. Yes, we felt terrible. But it was all I knew how to do, so that's what we ate. When I was pregnant with Emma Claire I started feeling really terrible and I started wondering if it was because of our diet or(MAYYYYYBE just maybe) my lack of exercise. I was attending a Bible study for women at the time, which included a section on feeding your family in a healthy way on a budget. THERE'S the kicker, I thought. Now you and I both know that eating whole foods and HEALTHY foods is more expensive than the JUNK in the frozen food section, but this study claimed to help me do it on a budget! Turns out, they were right!
We quickly started turning things around and I started learning to cook on my own. Turns out I was really good at it. I just needed to give it a try! AND, I was learning when to buy things on sale and when to buy store brand products, when to but organic, and when it was OK to pass on organic(this was before the HUGE fad on organic stuff). Now, all of this isn't to say that we didn't still have an occasional box of fishsticks or chicken patties, but overall, we cleaned up our menu and QUICKLY started seeing the benefits! By the time Emma Claire was born I was around 20 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant. How's that for loosing baby weight! Ha! I started running every night on the Tony Little Gazelle(YOU CAN DO IT!) and quickly started loosing even more weight. Scotty joined me on this quest to get healthy, and between the two of us we lost a PERSON!=)
We started feeling healthy, our kids were acting and feel better, and we weren't out a huge amount of money in our grocery budget. Now, this is where you come in. I've been doing all my shopping WITHOUT coupons. We always just make a STRICT menu, go to WalMart, and buy ONLY what we need. We never buy extra snacks or food that's not on the menu or my shopping list.
I've recently been exposed to, and have really enjoyed watching all that she does(and her contributors)to save money in the area of groceries and toiletries. I've never been one to spend time cutting coupons and most of the time I'd find when I did I could get the store brand for cheaper than the coupon anyway and I'd feel like I just wasted my time. THEN, last month happened. I decided to go on a thirty day challenge to spend less money on groceries and...I DID! I mean, we talking stacking coupons and this is something I knew nothing of. We went to Kroger(which I've always hated, but we gave it a try!), which also saved Scotty money at the pump(I can't use Kroger gas in the ol' grocery grabber). I ended up saving so much money that we were able to go OUT to eat  a few times and still have money left in the budget for the rest of the month expenses!
Since I'm so new to this I'd love to hear your thoughts and tips of saving money at the grocery store. Do you do the whole store hopping option? Do you go to Walgreens? How does Walgreens work? I'm confused about that whole register rewards or whatever it's called. Groupon? Coupon Mom? What programs do you use? Do you get the paper or just do printable coupons?
I want to be the best I can be at both feeding our family and being frugal, and I know I'm doing a pretty good job, but I always think there's room for improvement! Let me know what you've got! I'm listening!


  1. Hey Leslie, first of all I'd like to say I love your blog. I didn't really get a chance to know you very well when you were at CBC but I enjoy reading about your family and your journey as a stay at home mom and home economist extraordinare!
    I love and I, too, have a very strict budget for groceries. I really like Kroger because you can sign up with them online and they will send you bonus coupons like once a month. Sometime it will be 10 $5.00 of coupons or free boxes of cereal, drinks, chips, bread, etc. I also like their produce better than walmart. When you check out, they print out coupons similiar to item you just purchased so next time you can use them to stock up. ALSO: they double coupons up to a dollar everyday--and some stores have other incentives (like senior citizens day, teacher discounts, etc.) There's my 2-cents, I'm by no means an expert. Hope this helps!
    Carly Nalley

  2. I love! I used to do all that stuff too, but I've kind of gotten out of it the past year or so. Just didn't have the time or brain power to devote to it. Hopefully I can start being more frugal again soon; seems like things are starting to settle into a routine a little bit, maybe...

    I used to get a TON of free stuff at Walgreens, when they had their rebate program. It was so easy--just buy the stuff, sumbit online, and get your money. Their "register rewards" are a bit more tricky, more hassle, and you have to stick with it because they are only good for two weeks. There are a few rules you have to learn to go "couponing" at Walgreens, but if you're willing to devote a little time to it, you'll never have to pay for toothpaste or shampoo for your family again.

    We prefer Kroger for groceries too, although not for reasons of frugality necessarily. We like the store, the convenience, the service, and their selection of organic products (Wal-Mart's is abysmal).

    We've been eating a lot healthier over the past several years too, and I've noticed I use a lot more coupons for non-food items now than for food, since we are buying mostly fresh, unprocessed foods.

  3. I don't have much experience with coupons so I have no input! =0)

    I would like to hear more about your healthy cooking for your family. Particularly how you do it on a budget (even before this new coupon thing) and with food that you purchase at walmart. I've always found their produce section to be utterly disappointing. I'm listening to anything you have to share! Pam Clayborn
