Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Love Note...of Sorts

So, our kids have been doing a lot of bickering lately. If you know us, you know they come by it honestly. I hate it, but I'm one that likes the last word and Scotty is REALLY stubborn. ANYWAY, we've been trying to nip it in the bud with the kids. I just don't like hearing them fussing at each other over little things. Yesterday I sat the kids down and talked with them about loving each other because God had chosen us to be a family and that we were to love our neighbors as our self. I told them that Daddy and I had made bad choices too, and that we were sorry that we'd sat a bad example, but that we were ready to start fresh together with them. About 5 minutes later Olivia brought me this note and asked me if I thought it was appropriate to give to KK.
I've never heard her say she hates anyone(that's a word our kids aren't allowed to say about others), so I was a little surprised, but I was proud that she was willing to take what I'd said and try to make things better with her sister. So sweet. I love how she made KK wear pants and a t-shirt. That's totally her style. Today has been much better. I'm hoping that Manly and I will be able to set a better example. It's so hard to break old habits, isn't it?

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