Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mia Joy!

Tonight is the last night that my sweet sweet Amelia Joy will be a BABY. Tomorrow she turns ONE!

I just can't believe it! It seems like this last year has gone faster than any of my other babies first years.

It seems like just yesterday when she was born! What a special day!

Mia is so lovely. When she was born she captivated my heart!

She has such personality. So so funny and full of life.

She can also be really shy and quiet. She's a little nervous in large crowds. I love this picture because she was lunging for me to hold her!

She LOVES baby dolls. She will pull one around the house all day. She'll hug and kiss them and lay them down on a blanket. It's SO sweet. It's always so much fun watching the kids turn into themselves.

She's so close to walking around. She CAN walk, but choses to drop down and crawl.

Momma loves you, Mia Joy. Forever my baby Jane you'll be.


1 comment:

  1. Awwww.....she is such a cutie and full of personality!
    She is STILL a baby, though. I'd love to snuggle a one year old again. That is my favorite age 12 - 18 mos.
