Sunday, July 1, 2012

Home Brewed Smittle: Week 5. 35 to go

So, it's been a week already. I still haven't officially spoken with my midwife, but I still have tons of time for that. This past week has been really busy, and I'm REALLY tired. At about 2:15 every afternoon I hit a brick wall. The only solution is to lay down and sleep. After about 30 minutes I'm ready to go again for making dinner and getting the kids in bed. Once they are in bed I've been trying to simply relax in the evenings. Lots of big sighs from exhaustion, but glad to be able to rest and still get things done.
We've had lots of raised eyebrows as we've been a little more vocal about having another homebirth. Last time we really didn't tell anyone that didn't just down right ask. After having such a wonderful experience, we feel it's important to express to others what a joy birthing at home can be. No, you don't have to be a strange hippie running naked around your house to birth at home(not judging those of you that do that, it's just not for me.). It's for "normal" people too. Ha! I laugh at myself as I type that because I know you're thinking, "There ain't NOTHIN normal about that girl!" Indeed...
BabyCenter says our little baby is the size of a sesame seed.

Quite a lot of growing he/she did this past week. In other news, this is a pretty cool article if you haven't ever read anything on brand new babies. AND, I thought it'd be cool to add a few thoughts about first ideas on names. Right now my three top boy names are: Eli, Asher, and Owen. Top three girl names are: Anna, Evelyn(Evie), and Audrey. I'm not having good luck picking girl names this time. Maybe it's because it's a boy...That is what we are hoping for, although we'd obviously take a girl too. Ha!
Things our kids have said this week, "Mom! You better stop that laughing. You're going to laugh the baby right out if it REALLY is the size of a poppyseed!" "Mom, did it hurt? When Amelia was born, did it hurt?" "Mom. Is the baby eating your rice checks or can you taste them too?" "Mom, is there REALLY a baby in there?" "I can TOTALLY tell you're pregnant today!"(To which I responded. Nope. Just feeling a little fluffy!)

Such a miracle growing inside me. Thank you, Lord for your blessings in our family.

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