Tuesday, July 31, 2012

KK stwikes again

So, since KK was old enough to speak, she's been talking with a speech impediment. It's not too thick to understand most of the time, but sometimes it's REALLY hard to understand certain sounds and words. We had her tested for therapy a few years ago and they said she was too young and would grow out of most of it, but now that she's starting school in the fall we are certain it's time to have her tested again and get her some help. All that being said, I thought I'd share a little story from tonight.
Scotty was getting the little girls out of the bathtub and KK says, "OH! Dad! Is that a 'horsey balls' shirt?" pointing at his shirt that looks like this only just says ARKANSAS.

Not really sure what to say Scotty replies, "Uhh, what?"
KK, "HOR-SEE BALLS! Horsey Balls! Is it a horsey balls shirt?"
Scotty pauses..."Uhh...no."
Olivia, "HAHAHA! DAD! She's saying HERSHEY'S BARS!"
Olivia comes in and tells me, then says, "Mom. Would you rather have...horsey balls(which she later called horse poop not...what you are thinking) or...Hershey's Bars? HA! THAT is SO GROSS!"
Sweet old KK. That girl does always have food on her mind!

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