Sunday, September 2, 2012

Home Brewed Smittle: Week 14. 26 to go.

So, It's official. I am not suffering from morning sickness any more! YAY!! It's been such a better week for my health and my diet!
Also, I canceled my appointment for the ultrasound. I didn't want to pay the money and not be able to tell the gender of the baby, so I decided to reschedule for a few weeks from now. Either way, we'll find out soon if the baby is a boy or a girl. I'm SORT of thinking it's a girl, but we're REALLY longing for a baby boy.
Saying goodbye to morning sickness means saying hello to heartburn. Hey, it's a trade I can handle. My Rx for heartburn? ICECREAM!! Ha! Oh yes, I'll take that trade!
So, I told Manly to give me a list of names he likes, but I'm still waiting...
Not really any new news other than the feeling better and all, so I'll leave you with the babycentrer facts for the week.
Well, other than peeing, squinting, frowning, and sucking his/her thumb, the baby's sweet body is now growing faster than it's head AND it's arms will grow to be proportioned to the rest of it's body by the end of this week. Weighing in at about 1.5 ounces and about the size of a lemon, I just can't get over that a sweet new life is growing inside me.

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