Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's MY Blog, Yo!

Dear Blog World,
I've recently been getting a lot of...CRAP from a lot of people about my blog, so let me make myself PERFECTLY clear:
This is MY blog.
I'll be writing things that I want to remember HOW I want to remember them. I write about things that are important to ME and MY life. If you don't like what I write or you are offended by how I discipline my children or the way I live my life in general then DON'T READ MY BLOG.
I love having my blog as a kind of free online scrapbook of my life. I like to be able to go back and look at funny things the kids said, ways I handled stressful situations with the kids, and fun stuff that Manly and I did. I also love the fact that at times what I've written has be helpful to friends and strangers alike.
I'm so so glad that from time to time you join our little world, and read about our crazy life, but I'm not REALLY writing it FOR you so much as sharing it WITH you, so if you don't like what you read, go read some other blog. Maybe this one...
I'm not trying to be rude to my regular faithful readers(all 4 of you!). I love you and I'm so happy to share some of our life with you! Please keep reading and loving on our family! Please also know that obviously, I can't blog about our entire life. There's a LOT that goes unsaid about our life. Most of that is intentional...
For some reason lately there have been a LOT of people talking badly about blogs in general, and I've had a lot of harsh comments recently that were not only distasteful, but down right mean and hateful!
Be nice, spread the love, or move along friends!
Leslie Smittle


  1. You go girl, that's right, it's your blog, so no worries! I try to be super careful about things I post most of the time. Seems there's always someone to judge or get offended about something that makes absolutely no sense, and then I start to think "Wow, this is so ridiculous!" So carry on, at least we have the courtesy of not posting bad language in people's faces. I just hide the feed and go on. Sooo, you go with your blog. lol Them chilren's are precious.

  2. Love your link to the dullest blog, LOL!

    There have been many, many times over the years that I've thought about never putting another word nor photo online. Some day I might actually just shut it all down, but so far I keep coming back to it.

    Do what you think best and try not to get too ruffled by the negativity.

  3. Seriously?! Who has time to criticize other blogs?!?! As you said, it's YOUR blog. The other people can just go and write their own blogs the way they want a blog to be written. Lol.

    I love what you write whenever I actually have time to read it. Keep on blogging away. :)

  4. People are so ridiculous. I enjoy your blog. :D

  5. Also I can never read the letters they give you to put in to make sure the commentors aren't bots. ha.I have to do it two or three times.
