Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas Day Highlights

Once we got back in town we put out Santa's milk and cookies and some carrots for the reindeer and sent the kids to bed so we could put everything together. By the time we got it all set up we were about to fall over into bed.
I just love Christmas staging. Lulu and Addi got tiny things so it sort of looks like they didn't get anything but I promise they did.

Their gift from us was this cool puppet stage. We have to get(and make) some cool puppets now!

The kids were up by 5:45 Christmas morning ready to go! Because I'm a softy and because it's Christmas we let them come down and we opened our presents.

After! Look at those kids come!!

KK is hiding behind Olivia in this picture.

Checking out their loot.

Addi got a new pair of fancy ruby and diamond earrings. She was, as you can see, a LITTLE excited!!

Brubbs(looking really sleepy!) got a new guitar.

Here he is putting on a show!

Mia got a new pink piano. She loves it.

KK drew Bubby's name. She got him a cool drum!

Addi got Lulu a carrier for her new doll.

Mia got KK a pirate doll she had asked for.
Lulu got Addi a set of legos.

Brubbs got Mia a doll set for her new castle(she got from her Grammy and Grampy).

Manly got a new watch. We always get each other the same thing each year. He gets a watch and I get a new nativity. I got zero pictures of me and my new nativity. Ooops.

Lulu with her Buddy checking out all of her new things.

After that it was time for breakfast then a mid morning nap so that they would be fresh for the rest of the festivities.
Our other homemade gift was to Gigi(my wonderful granny).

I think she likes it!

All the great grandkids on my mom's side. My kids account for about half, but that's still a lot of kids!

My uncle came and was Santa for the kids to open their gifts. That's his real beard. Whoa!

I didn't get a picture of Lulu because she was so fast getting off his lap! Ha!

The snow and ice put a damper in our plan as we had to leave a family gathering early to make it back before dark so we wouldn't be stuck on the interstate for 6 hours trying to get home with all the crazies. In Arkansas, when it does any sort of precipitation, the roads get NUTS!! SO, we had to head home before I'd had my second slice of cherry pie which did not make me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Chloe has the same Little People Princess Castle. So far we only have 3 princesses & the beast (who doesn't talk) but I've figured out how to press those little stick up things in the whatever you call that thing that makes them talk, to get all the princess' sounds.

    I'm way too proud of myself for that.
