Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas Day Snow

So we got TONS of snow and ice on Christmas day. The kids had a wonderful time playing in the snow over the next several days, which was fun. They are always asking for it to snow on Christmas day, so it was great that it did and they woke the next morning to 12 inches of snow. In our area that's a LOT. There aren't a lot of pictures because once we got out there I wasn't able to take pictures because I was trying not to fall or lose a kid. Ha!
Brubbs in his snowgear. He kept pulling his hat down to eat snow. Ha!

Mia wouldn't get out of the sled unless someone was holding her because she kept getting stuck.

Lulu looking adorable.

KK LOVED the snow!

Manly after he made a snow angel.

My favorite tree got a lot of damage. So sad.

One of our pretty snow covered trees.
Once the kids were freezing and ready to come in it was momma's job to fill their tummies with leftover Christmas cookies and hot cocoa.

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