Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jehovah Jireh - God our Provider

So, as I mentioned in my last Home Brewed Smittle post, I've had a growing list of things we needed for Eli before he was born. Due to several weeks of holidays/bad weather/re-scheduled surgeries we'd had some harsh financial struggles. When I posted last Saturday I realized I had a real fear that the baby would be born before we were able to catch up enough to be able to get the expensive items on the list that you just don't want to live without(mostly diapers and a car seat). Honestly, I know Manly would have figured out a way to make it work because he knows it's obviously very important and he'd do whatever he had to do to provide for us, BUT, in the moment I was worried and afraid.
I decided what needed to happen was that I needed to give that fear(and needs) over to the Lord. I know that He cares about me and what I'm feeling. Once I started to pray my heart was at peace about things, and I decided that one way or another we'd be fine. I had NO idea what was ahead...
Sunday morning we left the house early for church. When we got home and got settled in for our Sunday afternoon rest I checked my email and found this sent to me and another expectant mom in our Sunday School class:
Hey Ladies,
Spoke with (our SS teacher's wife) this morning and wanted to touch base with you both on when a good time would be to honor both of you on the upcoming arrival of your sweet little one.
I was thinking a Sunday afternoon would be great if convenient for both of you. Why don't y'all both give me about three dates you feel you could make and we will plan the rest! Oh yeah, Barb mentioned a diaper shower but we are certainly up to anything you feel you need, just let me know.  Thanks so much,
(a sweet friend from our SS and Bible Study class)
I was immediately blessed, and obviously awed that the Lord had answered my prayers so quickly. But that's not all...
Fast forward a few days, and we are having the ribbon cutting/open house for Manly's new counseling office. Towards the end, someone slipped an envelope into my hand. I stuck it into my purse, and afterwards took a look at what was inside. It was cash. The EXACT amount I had said I'd need to get some things for Elias at Rhea Lana's. This was a FREE GIFT. Oh, but that's not all...
Tuesday I had entered a Rhea Lana's "like" contest to help them reach 17,000 likes. I found out Tuesday evening I was one of the winners for a $35 gift certificate. Seriously?! Oh, but that's NOT all...
Today I get this email from Scotty's mom:
Hey Guys,
I believe at one point you had a carseat picked out. Do you still?
I sent her an email back with the link for the one we had picked out. Then I got this one...
it is on the way to my newest grandson!
I couldn't believe it! In just 5 days the Lord had not only used friends and family to bless me personally, but had used them to supply our needs. It's been a rough couple of weeks, and the Lord knew just how to bless me and revive my heart. I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude and praise. Thank you Lord!

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