Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love that Man RIGHT

I read these tips today and thought they were worth sharing. I always feel like I could be doing a better job loving on my man. I've paraphrased most of it because the wording was a little weird for me, but the overall thought came from a weekly email I get from
How to Fall in Love Again in Four Minutes A Day… with just 3 Habits

1. Four Focuses Four times a day focus on the love you vowed.
When you get up in the morning
When you leave the house
When you come back home
When you go to bed
Be intentional about focusing on your love and why you love your man. Take a moment to say, "I love you.". Whisper sweet nothings in his ear on your way off to dreamland.
2. Four Embraces Four times a day, embrace.
Embrace fully and hold each other’s eyes.
That’s it! Repeat four times daily. I know that touch is my man's love language, so this will be great for him. This doesn't have to be a sexual thing. Just a moment of you and your man being close.
3. Four Affirmations Four times during the day, thank him.
Look for the ways to thank him and watch how he moves closer.
This can be thanking him for little things like taking out the trash, to thanking him for huge things like providing for your family. Just spend a few minutes a day thinking of ways to thank your man.

Wowzah! Look at that man!!!

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