Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Few Thoughts of an Overdue Momma

My intention with the following post isn't to insult anyone or be judgy, just to air my aggressions and vent my thoughts. I understand that my point of view is HIGHLY outweighed by others who feel the complete opposite. Know that I'm not trying to get anyone to think like me. I just want you to know my thoughts so that you can better understand where I'm coming from.
  • No, I'm not scheduled for a c-section.
  • No, I'm not COMPLETELY miserable. Only a little. I'm exhausted mostly because my job doesn't stop just because my baby isn't here. Manly still has to work to pay the bills, which means that I'm here with the kids most of the time for 10-13 hours a day on my own.
  • I have so many friends that get how hard it is for me to be in this situation. They've volunteered to help with the kids, bring meals, and just do anything I need. That blesses my heart more than you will EVER know!
  • I can't wait to change a teeny tiny baby bootie again. I have his tiny little newborn diapers in the diaper stacker and each time I walk by it my heart warms at the thought of those squishy bootie cheeks!!
  • I'm only FIVE days past due. Yes, I'm ready for this to be over with. I'm anxious to meet my sweet baby, but I'm not going to rush into the hospital and demand a baby on the spot just because I'm "past-due."
  • Don't ask me when I'm being induced. It's frustrating that you think a baby being born is like going to the ATM. Sometimes there are people who let things happen naturally, and that's OK.
  • I don't need your advice on using a midwife. Don't you know that I've thought it through and  prayed over this decision?? Just because I'm now past my due date doesn't mean that I've had any less care than any other woman being cared for by a doctor.
  • I don't know how much he weighs, and honestly, I don't really care. There's no real way to get an accurate reading of weight anyway, and most of the time they are WAY off.
  • I'm a little concerned with him getting "too big," but because I've always had smaller babies I think I'll be OK. I've never had ANY issues with delivery, so I'm confident that I'll not have any problems this time. If I do, it's not because I'm using a midwife.
  • My midwife is smarter than your doctor. I just had to put that out there. Shout out to Kim J.
  • Yes, the kids are ready. They've been ready since we told them he was coming.
  • Yes, I've tried "natural" things to get him here. This is my sixth baby. I've been around the block a few times before. Ha!
  • No, I don't know when he's coming! Seriously, I'm not a psychic.
  • Home birth is different than hospital birth. We aren't on a schedule. I'm not being rushed.
  • Don't ask me who my doctor is, find out I'm using a midwife, then shun me. Just because it's not "normal" to use a midwife doesn't mean that I'm any different from you. I'm not some streaking hippie smoking pot and spitting out babies for the fun of it. 
  • If you see me wearing the same thing I was wearing the last time you saw me it's because my clothes don't fit comfortably.
  • I would NEVER gawk at you because you told me you had an epidural. Don't gawk at me because I don't.
  • I would NEVER gawk at you because you had your baby in the hospital. Don't gawk at me because I don't.
  • I would NEVER gawk at you because you only have two babies. Don't gawk at me because I don't.
  • Don't tell me your birth horror stories.
  • Don't tell me that if I don't get induced your birth stories are going to happen to me.
  • Trust me to make the best decisions for myself! I trust you to do the same. If you want my advice, ask. If I want your advice, I'll do the same.
  • Obviously, I'm a ball of hormones. Don't say things like, "Well. We better not sit in front of you and THAT belly!" or "Girl! You look so EXHAUSTED and READY TO POP!" They aren't nice things to say and you might make me cry or get a punch to the gut. Just know you've been warned.


  1. HUGS to you!! I'm sorry about the things people have said. I started laughing at the "I'm not some streaking hippie smoking pot and spitting out babies for the fun of it." Oh my. If it makes you feel any better, my friend waited out her baby, had an over 11 lb baby, and was still perfectly fine birthing him without any medication. God made your body to have that baby! <3

  2. You are going to make it just fine. And it is ok if you go into hibernation and refuse to answer your phone or return texts for awhile. Except if it is your mom, then you have to. ;) I know you are exasperated with everyone else's opinion and confident in your own decision. You are in great hands and I look forward to hearing how relieved and excited you are when Baby is here. Soon enough you will be nuzzling that sweet fuzzy head and soaking in that new baby scent and it will all be worth the wait.

  3. You crack me up. I'm sassy when I'm pregnant too. It's the only time I really feel validated to say all the things I've been thinking.
