Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Slice of Our World: What's in the Middle of Clean and Dirty?

I had a reader ask about how I keep my house clean. I always kind of smirk at this question, because truth be known my house is rarely ever actually CLEAN. However, it always APPEARS to be clean. Get down and rub your finger across my baseboards and you're almost always going to have dust. Same goes for my fans, cabinets, and door frames. BUT, in this stage of my life I have learned to be OK with that. Now, I'm NOT OK with clutter or messiness.  Keeping a junk/clutter free house means that you often have to go through and weed out your STUFF. Making sure that everything has a place to call home is a must. If your stuff doesn't have a place you almost always can either sell it or chunk it. Learning to maintain my home was the BEST lesson I ever learned. A maintained home generally takes about 10-15 minutes to get "cleaned." Usually less if your whole family pitches in. The process of getting it maintainable will take some time, but once it's ready it can stay that way!! As I've gotten to this point(having six kids and all), I've learned to be OK if I go two weeks or sometimes even more(I know, GASP!!) between cleanings. My advice is do what works and stop stressing about it. I've already written quite a lot about this topic. If you haven't ever read through my "Insiders Scoop" I'd recommend it. That's where you'll find a lot of my tips on daily living. Here are a few specific posts that may interest you...

Random tips for keeping a "clean house" can be found here.
My thoughts on having a CLEAN AND HAPPY house are here.
My thoughts on having little people help keep a tidy home are here.

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