Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Our Story: It's Not Even a Real Phone.

Tomorrow marks ten years since Manly asked me to marry him and spend the rest of our life together. Honestly, it seems like forever ago. We've lived a LOT of life together since then, Manly and me. I thought it would be fun between now and our anniversary(October 17) to do some posts on our relationship then and now.
I thought today I'd share the story of how we met.

Ask most girls and your likely to hear the same thing. At one time or another we have all(well most of us anyway) had our hearts broken. I am, like most of you, one of those girls. I had been in a serious relationship with "the one" for several years when that ended abruptly one day in April of 2000. I was so heartbroken and sad. I ached with regret for the things I'd done in the relationship that I assumed would end in happily ever after.
That evening, as I sat sobbing I felt the Lord saying, "You are going to be OK. I've got GREAT plans for you." The next morning, with puffy blood-shot eyes I read a passage that was part of my Beth Moore Bible study at the time. The verse read, "Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! –Luke 1:45" I decided I WAS going to be OK, and that God DID have something GREAT for me.
I decided it was time to live my life! I met lots of great girlfriends, and even some guy friends who would end up being the most amazing support group ever. They prayed for me and encouraged me to dig deeper into the Word, and to pray for the man God had for me. I made a list of attributes I was looking for in a husband. I could say boyfriend, but at this point I was done with guys who weren't going to commit to marriage. That may sound crazy, but I knew what I was looking for and I wasn't going to except less.
So, for a year I had a BLAST being single. My friends and I would go out late at night and eat pancakes. We'd bring in a box of Kleenex to the movie theatre to watch chick flicks on opening night. I went skiing for the first(and only) time. I went to concerts. I had a great job that made great money. I bought lots of expensive clothes and drove a nice car. Basically, I had the year of my single dreams, but my heart still longed for someone to spend my life with.
In this time, I had transferred from my small Christian college to a larger state school(which I hated), so one day in late November of 2000 I decided to go back and audition for a music scholarship at the smaller school. After my audition I was visiting with some friends in the hallway when my phone rang. It was a friend making plans for the evening. As I chatted this disheveled boy walked up. I could see that he was staring at me, so finally I looked up at him. When I did he flashed a HUGE smile and said to the guy next to him, "I bet it's not even a real phone. She just wants us to think she has a life without us." I laughed, and he walked off, saying over his shoulder, "I'm Scotty, by the way..."


  1. Lol! I love this! That is so neat how God lead you to that verse the morning after your break-up. Thanks for sharing this! It was fun to read. :)
