Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Invisible Blogger

I know. I stink at blogging these days. Just no time for it, I guess.

I'm almost 23 weeks.


A picture to prove it.

My book club is currently reading through "The New Eve." I'm still forming an opinion on how I really feel about what I'm reading. Some of it is amazing. Some of it is making me think. Some of it makes me a little sad. Hmm...

My grandfather, my dad's dad, isn't doing well. He's been having treatments for lung cancer for the past several months and on Sunday evening passed out from lack of oxygen and was taken to the hospital. They think he's got pneumonia. They had to put him on a ventilator yesterday and aren't sure of his chances to come off. Things are looking pretty grey, so we are just asking for God's will and acceptance. I'm also praying for his salvation. We aren't 100% sure of what he believes. We know he BELIEVES in God, we just aren't sure he's accepted Jesus as his savior. Please join me as we pray. We also know that God can choose to heal him.

Scotty and I took a much needed mini vay-cay this past week. We drove up to NW AR for a concert and a night in a cool hotel with a nice dinner and dessert to top it all off. We really liked the hotel. It was a little strange to see so many corporate people there since we went in the middle of the week. I can't imagine living that life of hotels, not knowing people in the town your staying, eating out. It's all a special treat to me, but thinking about it as a full-time job is weird for me. Anyway, we had a wonderful time and the girls seemed to do great while we were gone thanks to some good friends who kept them busy.

Speaking of busy. I need to be getting dinner ready to go in the oven....later.


  1. I'm interested in what you end up thinking of the book. I was kind of the same way through the process of reading it. Parts I loved and parts that made me think as well......very different but by the end I was very glad I read it. Challenging in different ways for sure.

  2. Look at you! So cute! Lovin' the baby bump!

    Sorry to hear about your grandfather... we were in that boat several years ago. My dad's dad was witnessed to time and time again and never would accept Christ. It was heartbreaking when he died, knowing that we would never see him again. It's hard to find any comfort in death, when they are lost.

    I so wish I was in your book club!! I kept meaning to message you, but the hubby was kind of bummed that I committed to something else that would take away "us" time. So I felt like I needed to step away from some commitments so that he would know that he is the most important. BUT don't forget me in your future books! I am determined at some point to jump on board!!!

  3. I was very glad I read it. Challenging in different ways for sure.

    Work from home India

  4. I just stopped by to check in on how you were doing. I see from your ticker that you are just about at your due date! I hope you are doing well.
