Friday, May 14, 2010

I don't do domestic animals. Those words sound crazy together to me. I just don't like hair, dander, drool, smells, poop, pee, cat boxes, scratches. It just grosses me out. These little dears just don't know it though. Either that or they think that it's funny to taunt me!
My sister is a modern day cat lady. She has three cats, and I'm telling you that every time I sit down those things try to jump into my lap. It always scares me a little...
This past weekend we were at my cousin's house for a Mother's Day get together. She and her husband have two small dogs. Heather, if you read this, I love you, but I just don't like the snorty doggies.=) Anyway, one of the dogs, Zoe or Chloe', I can't keep up, always comes and licks on me and snorts on my toes. Makes me want to gag every time.
Today, I was taking the girls to the park for playgroup and as I was crossing over the bridge to get to the park I saw a big black dog. Giant is a better describing word for this dude. As soon as I pulled in that thing came bolting at my van and WOULD NOT move out of the way. I slammed on my horn and tried to get it to run off, but nothing worked. When we pulled into our parking spot it sat down as if to say, "Welcome Home, Smittles! Welcome Home!" Addison is terrified of Dogs, so she refused to even get out of the van until I could scare the dang thing off. So here I am yelling and stomping at some random stray park dog in front of my mommy friends. Yeah, I was looking like an idiot.
So, the moral of the story is that I don't do animals. Though they love me. I don't love them. Ever.


  1. LOL... you are too funny! I appreciate your honesty! Did you have pets growing up? How does Scotty feel about "domestic" animals?

  2. hahaha well, at least no one can say they do not know how Leslie Smittle feels about animals! Plus, you will never have to worry about hair everywhere...:) Glad that you are blogging again missy!
