Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oscar has NOTHING on ME!

Ever had a day where you just can't get out of a funk? You know, nothing is right, and everything seems to irritate you? No? You haven't? It's just me? Well, I'm having one of those months and there seems to be no end in sight!
I have the life I've always wanted. NOTHING to complain about. I have a wonderful home, beautiful kids, a hard working husband, a wonderful church home, and the best friends ever. Seriously, my life ts full to the brim. SO what's the deal?
I've been working really hard on my temper lately. I'm a fly off the handle kind of girl. A yeller by nature and honestly just not very nice. Anyway, for the past several weeks I've tried to hold my tongue, stop raising my voice, and be a little nicer to those around me. SO, I guess the trade off for me being a nice girl is me being a grouch. Ehh, what are you gonna do?!


  1. Welcome back to the blogging world! So excited to see that you have updated! Whoo-hoo!!!!!!!

    I can easily fly off the handle too... I know exactly what you mean!

  2. I know what you mean. I have days, or even weeks sometimes where I'm in this funk I just cannot get out of and can't find any good reason to even be in it in the first place!
