Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Love You Better

I love my Mia.
She's possibly the most charming of all the kids.
Maybe it's those big eyes and shameless grin, but she's captured my heart.
I thought she may never speak, but it's finally come. She's a talking girl now.
She speaks much different than the other kids ever did. It's really quite hard to understand her.
She says things like, "yetdide"(outside), "Bur"(butter), "Eeeyah" (Olivia).
Nothing has brought me as much pleasure as those three little words every mom longs to hear.
She said to me, "I Loaf You." as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and gave it a squeeze.
I knew what she meant and it warmed my heart.
I said to her, "I love you too, my sweet sweet girl."
To that she responded, "I loaf you bedder, Momma."

Oh to have the sweet simple mind of a child.
I want to love better...

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